Last Will & Testament

Wills & Powers of Attorney

Most people are aware of the importance of signing a will; many however never quite get round to it. The process is much more straightforward than many imagine and gives both you and your family peace of mind. We also deal with estate administration including applying for Confirmation of Executors and complex inheritance tax returns.

The main points to consider when preparing your will are:

  • Who you wish to appoint as your Executor. Your Executor is the person responsible for carrying out the terms of your will so you should appoint someone who you trust.
  • Who you would like to inherit your estate. In particular, whether you are to leave specific and/or cash legacies or whether one or more beneficiaries are to share the whole of your estate.
  • There are few limitations as to what you can say in your will though there are various matters to take into consideration such as inheritance tax planning, care cost planning, young beneficiaries and estranged family members to name a few.
  • If you have young children, whether you wish to appoint guardians to look after your children.
  • Whether you wish to make funeral provisions.

Just as important as a will, a Power of Attorney gives a nominated person or persons authority to manage your affairs for you and, if required, to make decisions about your welfare. These can be invaluable in the event of incapacity or even if you are just going to be in hospital or abroad for a period of time.

We aim to make the process of putting in place a Power of Attorney as straightforward as possible. If you are considering appointing Attorneys to act on your behalf you should consider the following points:

  • Whether you would like your Attorneys to have powers in relation to both your property and financial affairs AND powers in relation to your welfare.
  • Who you would like to appoint as your Attorneys. You can appoint more than one Attorney and can appoint Principal Attorneys and substitute Attorneys. You can also appoint Attorneys to act independently from each other or that they have to come together to make joint decisions.
  • Whether there are any specific powers you would like your Attorneys to have.

You are welcome to discuss your specific circumstances with us so that we can provide a quote.

John W Gilbertson